The Panic Before Each Trip | The Anxiety of a Travel Blogger

von Julia – in Personal, Travel Guides
By |2017-01-02T15:17:39+01:00September 14th, 2016|Personal, Travel Guides| 0

The Panic Before Each Trip | The Anxiety of a Travel Blogger

I don’t know if I’m alone with these thoughts or if I can find some people like me. The fear before traveling. A travel blogger gets scared before traveling? How can that be? Why would she do it then? I can imagine some people thinking that.

If I get an e-mail with the word “Invitation“, I get excited. I have to read the e-mail at once. In this moment, I’m not scared at all. When I’m working on my blog, I have to get everything organized. In this moment, I’m still cool and still excited.

Yes, I’m a coward
and I can’t stop crying..

When everything is ready and all I have to do is wait until I have is to pack my bags – it’s still ok. But if I have to start thinking about packing (about 2 weeks prior), the fear starts. Will everything be ok? Will I be okay? 100,000 thoughts go through my brain. However, at this point I’m still able to calm myself down. I tell myself that there is still enough time

Once I finished packing my bags and there are only 1-2 days left, I get so nervous, excited, and scared. I need a lot of nerves for a trip like this. If I’m together with Manuel or someone else, it’s not that bad. If there is someone else I can rely on, it’s much more relaxing.


The day or night before the departure is really bad. I wake up panicky and I ask myself stupid questions “do I have my passport?“ Sure, I do! “did I forget anything?“ No, I packed everything. Even if this does not sound very sexy, my body goes crazy. My hands are shaky and wet and I forget tons of things. My stomach goes crazy and I feel really bad.

It’s the same thing everytime! Everytime I think I can’t do it, I always ask myself the same stupid questions. Do I have everything with me? Am I prepared? Which terminal have to go to? Will I be too late? How do I get to the airport? Do I have everything with me? Is the date on my ticket right? Is the next day right? What time? Did I pack everything? It’s always the same. I can’t say how often I open suitcase and check it.

Did I pack everything? Is the date right? Is the next day right? What time? Did I pack everything?

Then I’m there, and I have to say goodbye. My mother says “Take care and call me when you arrive.“ She knows that she can’t say more and has to leave because I can’t say more than „Mhm“ because I‘m so excited that I nearly cry and want to go hooooooooooome again.”

And then there is the moment – and I’m alone…

BAM – I’m standing there for a second, I’m breathing and telling myself: “You did it! You’re there! Everything will be alright!“ Nothing can happen. When I enter the airport, I feel so happy. Maybe there is adrenaline going through my body. Everything functions well and I’m moving through the airport on my own.“What the Hell is wrong with you,“ I ask myself? So now I’m packing my bags :-D I’m going to Switzerland! Juhu! Zurich is waiting for me. I really look forward and I won’t be alone :-D

* The Pictures in this post are from my Travel Quote Pinterest Board. If you need some inspiration take a look -> HERE YOU GO ♥


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