6 Cheap Countries Worth a Holiday!

von Julia – in Travel Guides
By |2017-01-02T15:21:16+01:00August 27th, 2016|Travel Guides| 0

6 Cheap Countries Worth a Holiday!

Most people want to save some money when traveling. That’s why I want to show you some countries to travel to on a low budget. It always depends on your preferences. If you want a 5-Star Hotel with air conditioning, room service and a heated pool, you won’t be able to save a lot. These are my favorites. I researched this information online to provide it to you – they may vary.

  • Sri Lanka

On Sri Lanka you can sleep in a very cheap cabana and the cafés are very cheap too. If you’re on a low budget, it can cost you up to 18€ a day. A bus ticket from one side of the island to another doesn’t cost more than 18 EUR. The only thing being relatively expensive are the entry fees to the sights such as the national park, which costs around 25-35EUR. Otherwise, you can stay here for very cheap.

  • Turkey

You can also have a nice holiday in Turkey. Currently, some regions are out of the question for me (because of the political situation), but Turkey is a great destination with a beautiful landscape, spectacular sights and good food. You can get Kebab, Döner or Dürüm for 1.50 EUR. Most hotels cost around 18-35 Euro per night.

  • Thailand

As already mentioned tons of times, I really recommend Thailand. I also posted how much I spent there, which was relatively a lot for Thai circumstances. You can have a really nice holiday for little money. You can get food for 0,50-6 EUR and lodging for around 6 EUR in the city or 3 EUR in the countryside.


  • Bulgaria

Bulgaria is really close if you’re European. You can go by car or take the train. Bulgaria has a lot of cities and beautiful beaches like the golden beach. You can get a room for less than 10 EUR. If you want to be in a better hotel, it can cost between 25-45 EUR, sometimes already all-inclusive.

  • Indonesia

Most people traveling to Indenesia will come by plane, which will be the most expensive holiday purchase. However, the price is worth it. There are so many beautiful beaches, breathtaking wilderness, volcanos, and historic old sites. You’ll be paying around 25€ for a room with air conditioning and food. If you don’t stay on the main streets and don’t need air conditioning, you can lower the price to half.

A flight from Medan, Sumatra to Jakarta, Java costs around 45 EUR. A 12-hour bus drive from Cemoro Lawang (Mount Bromo) to Probolinggo, Java and then taking the ferry to Denpasar, Bali costs only 15 EUR. Taking the bus, Tuk-Tuks, rickshaws or driving the motorcycle is cheap. It only costs up to 6-8 EUR per day including gas.

  • Croatia

You can go to Croatia by car too. From Austria it takes 5.2 hours to Opatja. Porec, Rovinj, Krk and Pula are one hour from Opatja. Game of Thrones fans already fell in love with Croatia. The food and lodging are also cheap. It can get expensive in popular destinations. It’s better to go by car and find a room and restaurants in the neighboring town. Croatia is on the top of my must-see List!

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