Why a Thailand Holiday is Special and What I Miss at Home
Today is a day that I really wish to be on an airplane to Thailand. Why you ask? Because it’s so cold, dark and dreary here. The winter and the cold season brings out a mood that I don’t like. Me and my body want warm sunshine, Vitamin D and a good mood. Winter is so grey. That’s why I thought that I will tell you about a couple of things that I miss from Thailand. Every Thailand-fan will approve of this. Those who haven’t been yet – I hope you intend to book a trip to Thailand. I still have to wait 65 days! And then we’re finally back to our home away from home ♥
The Magic of South-East Asia.
What I love about Thailand
and what I really miss
“To my mind, the greatest reward and luxury of travel is to be able to experience everyday things as if for the first time, to be in a position in which almost nothing is so familiar it is taken for granted.”
– Bill Bryson
Thailand Holiday – My Home Away from Home Destination
» Number 1: The Yummy & Light Food
My friends and family already know me – I’m not easy with food and I don’t like a lot of things. That’s why it’s really special that I love Thai cuisine so much. It doesn’t matter what you put on my plate, there was nothing that I didn’t like. Whether it was noodles, rice, fish, seafood, curry or soups. I loved it! The dishes don’t have a lot of meat and are full of veggies, which I totally love. Or chicken sweet & sour with a lot of sauce and pineapple. And all the yummy fruits – mmmh! Pineapples, bananas, Papaya etc. I loved it all!
» Number 2: Endless Massages
When I visit Thailand, my whole body feels great. Why? Because I saved every cent for this trip and I like to invest the money into a Thai massage, a foot massage, a pedicure or hand massage. I often have pain in my back and I have problems with my intervertebral discs. I don’t feel all this in Thailand. If you can enjoy a massage for 8 Euro an hour, it would be stupid not to try it! So if you visit Thailand, enjoy a massage on the first day and then you’ll want one every day!
» Number 3: The Sea
It’s magical how the sea can influence you. How positive it is for your mood. You feel calmer, relaxed and you will worry less. I don’t know why and I wonder if it would be still the same if you lived at the seaside. Or if you only feel like this because it’s a holiday. I’d still love to live at the sea. The thought of just visiting the beach on weekends is great.
» Number 4: Endless Summers
As mentioned above, I’m not a fan of the cold season. I don’t like wintersports and everything else. I’m a grinch. I can’t imagine anything better than having summer all year. I wouldn’t miss the snow and the cold at all. As well as all the Christmas decorations, Christmas markets, Christmas songs and what not. It’s just not my thing. I prefer sitting at the beach and drinking some cocktails while listening to the sea.
» Number 5: The Prices
It’s sad that the Thais don’t earn that much money. But when I talked to Thais or immigrants they told me that they don’t miss anything. They’re really happy and they don’t worry. I don’t think anyone wishes for a villa with designer furnishings. They’re happy with their cottages! Those who already visited Thailand will agree with this. But I know that there is so much poverty in Thailand
It’s still nice to see that you can afford something. That you don’t have to check your account all the time and check if you have enough money. It’s different in Thailand. You don’t have the feeling (no matter where you go – shopping, food etc.) that you can’t afford something. There are also more expensive things, but I think you know what I mean. You don’t feel broke after dinner.
» Number 6: The Nice People & Good Vibes
We’ll visit Thailand for the third time soon. We’ve already visited a lot of islands and hotels and we never met people who were stressed, rude, impatient or aggressive. Not in Bangkok, at the airport, in the hotels, or restaurants. We never met somebody who gave us the feeling that we were not welcome. It was the opposite. Everyone was so polite, helpful and considerate. I’m not used to this at home (and I did not experience this in any other country – maybe in Iceland, but not 100%).
The moment when we sat in a little family restaurant and the father treated us like kings – I will never forget it. They cared for us like we were part of their family. We gave them a big tip. We felt so good and enjoyed the hospitality. Thais have such a good heart.
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