15 Blogger Problems

von Julia – in Uncategorized
By |2017-01-03T10:54:48+01:00May 29th, 2015|Uncategorized| 0

15 Blogger Problems

Hi guys, today’s post is about blogging again! I thought it would be funny to list some #firstworldsproblems of bloggers. Don’t take this too seriously though. I look forward to your comments.

1. Your battery is always low.

2. Windy days, which cause bad hair days.

3. An annoyed boyfriend that doesn’t want to take pictures of you.

4. Creepy messages from strangers.

5. Forgetting to check or answer emails or to take a look into your spamfolder.

6. Bad wifi.

7. W.I.N.T.E.R or better said: the dark season = dark and cold. Finsternis.

8. People, who don’t know anything about blogging, trying to explain what bloggers do.

9. Taking tons of pictures to only use 5 in the end.

10. Doing your taxes and not understanding them.

11. You’re never happy with your design.

12. Tons of collaboration emails that do not match your blog at all. -> Onlineshops for 40+ years old people, plus size or wedding dresses :-( Do they even take a look at your blog?

13. Do you know it when some sentences end with J? It took some time until I found out, that Outlook transforms an “:-)” into a J!

14. HTML. You’re working on your design up until you notice that you crashed everything.

15. An endless wish list of things you saw on other blogs, which are way too expensive.


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